Stone tonic, the name was created by a pun by Felix Wiederstein with stone and tonic. A unique cuvée of spice and herbal extracts, carefully made by hand, for a distinctive complex taste
We added spices (black pepper, gallant, nutmeg and cardamom) and fresh herbs (rosemary, kaffir lime leaves) to our extract of China bark.
Furthermore, we do not use extracted quinine, but by leaching the cut yellow and red china bark we get our own bitter brew. After a year of testing, we found our special mixture. The optimal matching of herbs and spices with our two gins: Giny and enchanting giny were in the foreground for us.
We were particularly disturbed by the sweetness in the commercially available tonics. The values here are usually around 90 g/L. Our stonic contains 65 g/L sugar from Austrian sugar beet and therefore has about 1/3 less sugar content than other tonics.
More information about our Stonic & the history of Tonic Waters in our Stonic document: